Friday, March 14, 2025

Learn Quran from Home

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dear Brother / Sister, 

As'salaamu alaikum va rahmatullahi va barakatuhu !!

Well and wish to hear the same from you, aameen. 

The greatest asset a father can leave behind for his children is the knowledge of dheen. Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge. 
Our too much pre-occupation with our work and other things should not deprive our children from learning the knowledge of Allah and Islam. It is a right of every muslim child to acquire the knowledge of dheen. If we don't provide our kids with a good opportunity to learn Quran and Hadith, then we will he accountable before Allah for our lapse on the day of judgement. May Allah save all of us from ignoring our primary responsibility of  imparting the correct islamic knowledge to our children. 

Alhamdulillah two of my very close friends have recently started a medium through which they teach Quran, Sunnah, Seerah and Aqeeda to children all over the world by making use of modern day online interactive and collaboration tools like Skype. This trend is catching up really fast in many western countries and also inIndia. Children have completed hifz of quran through this method. 

Both these brothers, Moulana.Abdur Rabb Nadvi (Dehradun)and Moulana.Yusuf Baig Nadvi (Bangalore) are graduates from one of the most renowned islamic seminaries of the world, Dar-ul-Uloom Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow. Moulana Abdur Rabb is also currently pursuing his Ph.D. By profession both of them are teachers themselves. They have other ulema also in their team to work on different time zones. 

I urge you all to enroll your kids in this online madrassa. Also pass-on this information to your friends / relatives who live in western and european countries. Interested parents can either fill the online request form or call one of these brothers to get further details. Their numbers are, 

Moulana Abdur Rabb Nadvi - 91 9411 341 161 / 91 9528 553 639
Moulana Yusuf Baig Nadvi - 91 9242 213 234 / 91 9060 786 234

(When you call, please consider the timezone difference between the country you live and India. You can call between 6.00 AM IST and 11.00 PM IST)

Note: They have women tutors in their team (their wives) to teach grown up girl children. They also have Quran and tajweed classes conducted for adults. So, make the best use of this opportunity. 


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