Written by Mufti Muhammad Shafi'ee Saheb (ra) |
Saturday, 06 August 2011 10:57 |
1) I’tikâf means: to remain in the Musjid with the intention of I’tikâf. One may only leave the Musjid to fulfil those needs that cannot be fulfilled inside the Musjid, e.g. to go to the toilet, to make Wudû, to take a wâjib ghusl (obligatory bath) etc. 2) It is “sunnah muakkidah ‘alal kifâyah to observe I’tikâf during the last 10 nights of Ramadân. i.e. if in a town or village no one observes I’tikâf, the sin of abandoning this sunnah will be upon the entire community. And if one person observes I’tikâf, the rest of the community will be absolved. 3) It is not necessary for one to remain quiet throughout the period of I’tikâf. Rather it is makrûh to do so. One should speak of good things and abstain from arguments and futile talks. 4) There is no specific form of ‘ibâdah (worship) to be observed during I’tikâf. One could occupy oneself with salâh, dhikr (remembrance) of Allâh Ta’ala, reciting the Holy Qurân, studying or teaching the knowledge of Deen or any other form of ‘ibâdah (worship). 5) If Jumu’ah salâh does not take place at that Musjid wherein one is observing I’tikâf, then one may leave that Musjid to attend the Jumu’ah salâh at another Musjid. One should calculate the amount of time in which one could reach that Musjid, perform the sunnah and listen to the khutbah. If one delays a while in that Musjid, no harm will be caused to the I’tikâf. 6) If for no valid reason one leaves the Musjid even for a little while, intentionally or unintentionally, the I’tikâf will be broken and he will have to make qadâ. 7) If one intends to observe I’tikâf during the last 10 nights of Ramadân, he should be in the Musjid from before sunset on the 20th of Ramadân up to the sighting of the moon of ‘Eid. Thereafter the ‘I’tikâf ends. 8) It is not permissible for one to leave the Musjid just to have a bath on a Friday or for the purpose of cooling oneself. 9) A woman may observe I'tikaf in that area of her house which has been designated for salah. She cannot leave that place without a valid excuse. (Shami, vol.2 pg.441 ; Tahtawi, pg.382) Translated by Moulana Muhammad ibn Moulana Haroon Abassoomar |
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Saturday, November 12, 2011
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