The concept of Bai'at is expressly mentioned in the Quran and Hadith. There are different categories of Bai'at. One is to express submission to the leader of the Muslims, Ameerul Mo'mineen. This category of Bai'at is compulsory. The other category of Bai'at is for Islaah (reformation). This category of Bai'at is not compulsory. If a person is able to reform himself independently without the assistance of a spiritual guide, then he may do so. In such an instance, there is no need for Bai'at. However, generally, a person experiences difficulties in reforming himself and he requires the assistance of an expert to assist him in the reformation process. In order to achieve that, he takes Bai'at as an expression of determination and submission to obey. His spiritual guide then takes it upon himself to guide his Mureed and the Mureed undertakes to obey. Therefore the purpose of Bai' at is at most an administrative matter to achieve maximum benefit and results. It is not Shirk. However, we advise, you should exercise caution in choosing your Peer. Apart from him excelling in Taqwa, piety and having the expertise to reform, you too must be comfortable with him and his procedure. You must be able to relate to him and be able to benefit. For that we propose you first keep Islaahi relationship and qualify that with Bai'at later only after you are satisfied.
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Saturday, November 12, 2011
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