An Original Dar al – Mahmood.org article
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
“I always say the common women are genuinely chaste but the other women in their level of chastity are like damsels of Paradise. There are some who till today have not even seen another man and in respect to the damsels of paradise Allah Ta’ala offers the same description, “Therein, maidens restrained of glance!” and also amongst the virtue of women “Unaware believing women!”. We understand that for women to be unaware of the outside elements should be their natural disposition. And here despite the real meaning of this Ayaat being to be unaware of immorality and not general ignorance. Even in men to be unaware of immorality is desired but despite this it has been specifically mentioned for women and not in respect to men.
From here it is clearly understood that even general ignorance is more appropriate for women. Now these insensible people say, “take off the veil and progress!” They have no limits for anything. Strange dung is filled in their minds, my heart testifies that these people will never be successful. Allah Ta’ala will assist his Deen. Due to which the women of this type will never accept this.
Once in respect to the same topic whilst speaking I mentioned, “In the issue of the veil there is no need to even bring Quran or Hadith, since without Quran or Hadith the need of the veil can be proven. I say, these people must have traveled abroad a train. And they must have also carried some money. Have they also ever done this, where they keep this money outside of their pockets? Or do they instead keep their money in such a pocket which is within a pocket? So is this injunction of keeping money in a pocket within a pocket found in the Quran?
The only reason for this is because to expose such money would put the money in danger. Just like this, here it is a natural demand that because of a similar danger it is necessary to conceal. Over and above this it is a demand of one’s manly disposition that one keeps the women in veil. It is a natural consequence without the command of Shari’ah to understand concealment to be necessary. Rather the danger that lies in keeping women out of the veil is even greater than the danger in exposing ones cash. Money at most maybe the value of a few thousand of which you value so much as to conceal, but women you don’t even have this much value for?” Those listening remained silent and never spoke.
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