Thursday, March 13, 2025


Friday, May 18, 2012

Once, during Jihad, Hazrat Ali (j), having overpowered an enemy was to strike his final blow with his sword. However, just before he could do so, this enemy spat in the face of Hazrat Ali (j).
Even though this created displeasure, Hazrat Ali (j) immediately moved away, placing his sword into its sheath. Whilst he had had the upperhand and the opportunity to kill this disbeliever, he left him;
not even considering that now his life was in danger. Such strange behaviour confused the enemy and prompted him to question Hazrat Ali (j) : “What kind of behaviour is this ? After having insulted you, you should have killed me immediately. I was under your sword, and helplessly at your mercy. Why did you let me go?”
Hazrat Ali (j) replied : “All the while, I had been fighting for the pleasure of Allah. When you spat in my face, my nafs was provoked. My anger was then not sincerely for the pleasure of Allah but due to
personal injury. Had I killed you, this act would have been tainted with the anger of my nafs. Allah does not accept any deed done without sincerity. I would have then been questioned, on the Day of
Judgement, about whether I had taken your life for my pleasure or Allah’s pleasure.” Hazrat Ali (j) was prepared to become a Shaheed (martyr), but he was not prepared to accept victory whilst it was blemished with nifaaq (hypocrisy). His Ikhlaas had such an impact on the heart of this non-Muslim that he accepted Islam.
An important point had been mentioned : “…Allah does not accept any deed done without sincerity…”
TITLES: Ikhlas,Sincerity Or Purity Of Intention , Sincerity In Islam, Ikhlas In Islam,


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