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What is Itikaaf
Itikaaf means to stay in mosque for a certain time with the pure intention of worship or of seeking proximity, nearness of Allah Almighty.
In principal I’tikaaf refers to staying in the Masjid with the intention of remaining there for the particular period of time. There is no particular Ibadah specified for I’tikaaf. Those ibâdât which can be done in congregation like Fardh Salah, Ta’lîm ut Ta’allum etc. can be carried out in gatherings. One may also engage in individual ibadât like nawafil, Qur’an recitation, tasbîhât etc. as well.
Importance Of Itikaaf
I'tikaf is a unique 'ibadah (act of worship) whereby a person forsakes all his activities, secludes himself in the masjid and directs all his attention to Allah Ta'ala. I'tikaf enjoys special attraction, blessings and distinguishes itself from other 'ibadat. It serves to repair the spiritual breakdown of man due to his deep involvement in worldly affairs and assists in redirecting his focus to Allah Ta'ala. All worldly connections are cut off for the sake of gaining Allah Ta'ala's attention. All thoughts, desires and commitments are centred around Allah Ta'ala and in consequence a complete spiritual connection with Allah is attained.
( Al-Insaaf fi hukmil i'tikaf, pg. 6)
I'tikaf accustoms a person to staying in the masjid (house of Allah) for a long period and creates an attachment between him and the masjid. Hadhrat Shaykh Zakariyya (rahimahullah) writes that a mu'takif is like a person, who having requested of something, waits until he is granted his request. He further writes that a mu'takif is a person who actually presents himself at the doorstep of Allah Ta'ala; seeking
His forgiveness and closeness.
( Fadhail Al-a'mal, pg 68, chapter on i'tikaf)
Itikaaf In Ramdhan Month
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was passionate and avid to i'tikaf in the month of Ramadhan and never missed i'tikaf of the last ten days. 'Aisha (radiyallahu anha) said: “Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) made i'tikaf of the last ten days of Ramadhan till the end of his life”
(Sahih Bukhari)
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