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Sunday, September 9, 2012
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Definition of Sunnah The Sunnah has been defined by the scholars of the science of Hadîth as follows: “A word spoken, or an act done, or a confirmation given by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).” “Confirmation” in this definition is termed in Arabic as Taqreer. What is meant by this term is ... readmore
Meaning Of SUNNAHMeaning Of SUNNAH The Sunnah has been defined by the scholars of the science of Hadîth as follows: “A word spoken, or an act done, or a confirmation given by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).” “Confirmation” in this definition is termed in Arabic as Taqreer. What is meant ... readmore
THE MANNERS OF ATTENDING WEDDINGSIf invited, attend the celebration as if you have answered an invitation to a blessed occasion, and a delightful and acclaimed celebration, as the Prophet proclaimed you should. Dress appropriately, for the Prophet's companions used to dress properly at weddings. When initiating or sharing in d ... readmore
Rinse Mouth After Drinking Milk Rinse Mouth After Drinking MilkIt is Sunnah to rinse mouth after drinking milk Sayyidina Ibn Abbas (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) drank milk and then asked for water and rinsed his mouth. He said, “It is greasy”. [Ahmed1951, 3051, Bukhari 211, 5609, Muslim 358, Abu Dawud 196, Nisai 187, I ... readmore
Sunnah of drinking Water How many times you drink per day? Do you realize even this small thing will make us getting rewards? Only by applying the sunnah on it! ~ The sum of the sunnahs would exceed twenty, and we should notice drinks include all sorts of soft or hot drinks. 1 ➲ Pronounce the Tasmiyah "[بِسْمِ الله ... readmore
Walima is sunnahWalima is sunnah Walimah is sunnah. The holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: أولم ولو بشاة . The practice of sunnah is very important for a Muslim. ... readmore
THE MANNERS OF DRINKINGDrinking manners are no less important. To start in the name of Allah is a must. Use your right hand to drink. Abo Dawood and Tirmizi related that Hafsa (RA) said 'the Prophet used his right hand for eating and drinking. He used his left for other things [such as personal hygiene].' Do not pour ... readmore
SUNNAT of cutting nails Pairing ones nails is a sunnah of Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam. The nails should be paired whenever the need arises. [i]῾Allāmah Tahtāwi rahmatullah alayh (d.1231H) mentions that nails should be paired once a weak and preferably on a Friday. If one delays from pairing once ... readmore
Importance Of siwak Importance Of siwak Importance Of siwakSayyidina Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that Allah's Messenger(SAW) said, "Were it not that I might distress my ummah, I would order them to use the siwak at every prayer”. [Ahmed7343, Bukhari 887, Nisai 12, Muslim 252, Abu Dawud 46. Ibn e Majah 87] ... readmore
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