Ramadhaan is the month of blessings, mercy and forgiveness. It is the time wherein Allahs mercy is showering upon us. He is the Giver and we are in desperate need of His mercy. So go ahead and make dua, lots and lots of it; for dua is one of the best acts of Ibaadah.
Rasulullah (salallahu alaihi wasalam) said, “Dua is ‘Ibaadah (worship).” (Tirmidhi-).
Make Dua for your dunya. Make Dua for your journey to the Aakhirah. Make Dua for yourself and for your family. And for the Ummah.
Spread out your hands in humble submission to the One who gives all and sustains all from His limitless treasures and bounties. Ask and He will give you.
Rasullullah (salallahu alaihi wasalam) said, “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah’s is the most regular and constant even though it were little” (Sahih Bukhari)
Rasullullah (salallahu alaihi wasalam) said, “Eat Suhoor because in it lie great blessings.” (Bukhari) Subhanallah! We are informed that by simply eating at this time you will be earning yourselves immense reward!
Another gift that Allah Ta’ala has given to the Muslims is that of Dua. Never despair or lose hope in the mercy of our Rabb. All Duas are heard by Allah Ta’ala. However, we may see its acceptance in any of the following forms:
Imaam Shafi’e has stated: “I have heard that du’as are accepted by Almighty Allah on five nights:
1) The night of Jumu’ah,
2) & 3) The nights of the two ‘Eids,
4) The first night of Rajab,
5) The middle (15th) night of Sha’ban/
In his commentary on Sahih Bukhari, Ibn Hajar (rahmatullah alaihi) has mentioned various benefits with regards to the partaking of the Suhoor meal:
Rasulullah (salallahu alaihi wasalam) said, “Dua is ‘Ibaadah (worship).” (Tirmidhi-).

Make Dua for your dunya. Make Dua for your journey to the Aakhirah. Make Dua for yourself and for your family. And for the Ummah.
Spread out your hands in humble submission to the One who gives all and sustains all from His limitless treasures and bounties. Ask and He will give you.
Rasullullah (salallahu alaihi wasalam) said, “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah’s is the most regular and constant even though it were little” (Sahih Bukhari)
Rasullullah (salallahu alaihi wasalam) said, “Eat Suhoor because in it lie great blessings.” (Bukhari) Subhanallah! We are informed that by simply eating at this time you will be earning yourselves immense reward!
Another gift that Allah Ta’ala has given to the Muslims is that of Dua. Never despair or lose hope in the mercy of our Rabb. All Duas are heard by Allah Ta’ala. However, we may see its acceptance in any of the following forms:
- Where Allah Ta’ala accepts your Dua in the form that you asked for it, such as relief from disease or passing an exam.
- Where the Dua is used as a means to avert calamity that was otherwise directed at you.
- Where the Dua is kept for the beautification of our abodes in Paradise.
- A special time in Ramadan for the making of Dua is just before Iftaar and during your Tahajjud Salah. Dua is an act of worship.

Imaam Shafi’e has stated: “I have heard that du’as are accepted by Almighty Allah on five nights:
1) The night of Jumu’ah,
2) & 3) The nights of the two ‘Eids,
4) The first night of Rajab,
5) The middle (15th) night of Sha’ban/
In his commentary on Sahih Bukhari, Ibn Hajar (rahmatullah alaihi) has mentioned various benefits with regards to the partaking of the Suhoor meal:
- It provides strength for worship
- It promotes greater sincerity in Ibadah
- It aids in the elimination of bad temper, which normally comes about as a result of hunger.
- Sehri is the time when prayers are accepted.
- At the time of Sehri, one gets the opportunity to remember Allah, make zikr and lift up one’s hands to Him in prayer.
Make it a must to daily make dua for at least 10-15 minutes before Iftaar, in seclusion, begging Allah for the best of both worlds. Remember it has been said, “Not a single dua made by a fasting person at the time of breaking the fast is rejected.” This is our chance – Allah’s attention, His mercy, His love, His compassion reach their climax at this time. He refuses no one and turns no soul away at such a time. Pray for the best of both worlds and pour your problems out before the One who is ever ready to listen. Of course, our sustenance e.t.c must be halaal for the acceptance of our duas, for a person that fasts and then breaks his fast with haraam food is like a sick person who takes medicine as a cure, but also adds a little poison, which destroys him.
Duaa is a great act of Ibaadah (worship), which Allah has granted to the ummah (followers) of Nabi (S.A.W.). It is an act of Ibaadah which creates a direct link between a person and Allah. It makes a person realize that Allah is the only One who can fulfill his needs. It is for these reasons that Nabi (S.A.W.) refers to duaa as “the essence of Ibaadah” (Bukhari Shareef). Some muhaditheen explain that since duaa carries such great reward, therefore it is referred to “the essence of Ibaadah”.
The following are a few ayaat of the Quran pertaining to duaa.
“And your Lord says: Make duaa (supplicate) unto me, and I will respond and accept your duaa”. (Surah Ghaafir: Ayat 60)
“I respond and accept the duaa of the one who supplicates unto me”. (Surah Al Baqarah: Ayat 186)
“Make duaa unto Allah with humility and secret”. (Surah Ale Imraan: Ayat 55)
There are numerous ahadith advising the ummah to engage in duaa.
Hereunder are a few ahadith related to the virtue and importance of duaa.
“Ask Allah of His grace, because Allah loves that He be asked (i.e. that duaa be made to him)” (Tirmizhi)
“There isn’t anything nobler to Allah than duaa” (Adabul-Mufrad)
“Verily, Allah is modest and noble. He feels ashamed that a servant lifts up his hand in supplication and he is returned empty handed”. (Abu Dawood)
“Duaa is the weapon of a believer, pillar and support of deen (Islaam) and an illumination of the skies and earth”. (Haakim)
“Allah becomes angry upon the one who does not make duaa”. (Ahmed)
It is clear from the above quotes of the Quran and ahadith of Rasulullah (S.A.W.)that duaa holds a very esteemed position in Islam.
Times when duaas are most readily accepted:
- Duaa at the time of Sehri (Surah Ale Imraan, Ayat 17)
- Duaa between azaan and iqaamah (Tirmizi- Anas ibn Maalik (R.A.))
- Duaa made after azaan (Abu Dawood- Sahl ibn Saad (R.A.))
- Duaa after fardh salaat (Tirmizi- Abu Umaamah Al Baahili (R.A.))
- Duaa at the time of Zawaal (midday) (Musnad Bazaar- Ayesha (R.A.))
- Duaa on the day of Arafat (Tirmizi- Abdullah ibn Amr (R.A.))
- Duaa in the month of Ramadhaan (Tabraani- Ubaada ibn Saamil (R.A.))
- Duaa on the 15th of Sha`baan (Sahih ibn Hibbaan- Mu`aaz ibn Sahal)
- Duaa upon completion of Quran (Tabraani- Irbaad ibn Saariyah)
- Duaa at the time of drinking Zam-Zam water (Haakim/Darul Qutni- Ibn Abbas (R.A.))
- Duaa on Wednesday between Zuhr and Asr (Musnad Ahmed- Jaabir (R.A.))
- Duaa on Friday at the following times:
- When the Imaam ascends a mimbar for the khutbah till he completes the Jummah Salaah.
- Time between Asr and Maghrib
- The last few moments before maghrib (Sahih Muslim – Abu Hurrairah (R.A))
Whose duaas are readily accepted?
- Duaa of an oppressed person (Tirmizi – Abu Hurrairah (R.A))
- Duaa of a fasting person at the time of Iftaar (breaking fast) (Tirmizi – Abu Hurrairah (R.A))
- Duaa of an upright and just leader. (Tirmizi – Abu Hurrairah (R.A))
- Duaa of a musaafir(Tirmizi – Abu Hurrairah (R.A))
- Duaa for your muslim brouther in his absence. (Muslim – Abu Darda (R.A))
- Duaa of a father for his child(Tirmizi – Abu Hurrairah (R.A))
- Duaa of a haji (one who has performed hajj) (Baihaqi/Haithami – Ibn Abbaas (R.A))
- Duaa of a sick person(Ibn Majah – Umar(R.A))
- Duaa of a person striving in the path of Allah. (Hakim – Ibn Abbaas (R.A))
- Duaa of a distressed person (such a person whom none can help but Allah) (Hakim – Ayesha (R.A))
Etiquettes of Duaa:
Make wudhu before commencing a duaa.(Sheikh Fawaz Ahmed Zamarli)
Perform nafl Salaah, or any act of good deed before commencing with duaa. (Sheikh Fawaz Ahmed Zamarli)
Face the qibla at the time of making duaa.(Tirmizi – Umar (R.A))
Raise the hands upto the chest while making duaa.(Ibn Majah – Salmaan; Musnad Ahmed – Abu Saeed (R.A))
Begin the duaa by praising and glorifying Allah and thereafter send peace and salutations upon Rasul Allah (sallallahu alayhi wassalam). (Abu Dawood – Fudhail (R.A))
Mention the different names of Allah. (Sheikh Fawaz Ahmed Zamarli)
Make duaa for oneself first and then for others. (Tabrani – Abu Ayub (R.A))
We understand from various ahadith that Rasul Allah (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) encouraged making duaa for:
- One’s parents.
- Muslims at large.
- Gaining ability to do good deeds and portray good character.
- Gaining the love of Allah.
- Attaining the best of this world and hereafter.
- Increasing one’s beneficial knowledge.
- Forgiveness of all types of sins.
- Seeking refuge
i. from treachery
ii. from sickness
iii.from trials, tribulations and difficult times
iv.from an evil neighbor
v.from the plots of the enemies
vii. from all types of evils
Recite “Ameen” at the end of the duaa.(Abu Misbaah – Abu Dawood)
Wipe hands over the face ant the completion of the duaa.(Bullughul Maraam – Ibn Hajr)
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