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A beautiful look of the grand Darul Hadith building, where final year 8 hundred students classes are arranged. Click Here TO View
Naudarah, the nine-doors historic building of Darul Uloom & Darul Hadith Fauqani on 1st Floor. Click Here TO View
A fascinating view of the students' hostel (Dare Jadid); the Rashid Mosque in back.Click Here TO View
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Exam Tips for Muslim StudentsPraise be to Allaah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger and upon his family and companions.
The Muslim student puts his trust in Allaah when facing the tests of this world, and he seeks His help whilst following the prescribed means, in accordance with the words of the Prophet (peace ... readmore
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What is TasawwufThe purpose of Tasawwuf is to reform oneself to the extent of being compliant to Shari’ah in every aspect of life and gaining closeness to Allah. This injunction is replete in the Qur’aan and Ahaadith. If one is able to reform him/herself, then the purpose is achieved. If one is not able to ref ... readmore
The Purpose Of Life
I have only created Jinn and men (so) that they serve Me. [51:56]
The purpose of life is servitude to Allah(swt) and the purpose of existence is Hisremembrance. A servant is only one whohas the qualities of servitude otherwisehis existence is a lie and has no meaning.Food, shelter, and occupation ... readmore
Learn Quran from Home
Dear Brother / Sister,
As'salaamu alaikum va rahmatullahi va barakatuhu !!
Well and wish to hear the same from you, aameen.
The greatest asset a father can leave behind for his children is the knowledge of dheen. Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads ... readmore
Putting Flowers on GravesMufti Mahmoodul-Hasan Gangohi (RA) has aptly replied to this question. He writes, "Strewing flowers or Chadars (shawls) upon graves is incorrect. Although it has been narrated that Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) had planted branches upon two graves, this was only because the occupants of th ... readmore
THE MANNERS OF VISITING3.1 KEEPING APPOINTMENTS, DELAYS AND CANCELLATIONIn the first verse of Surat Al-Mai'da, Allah called upon the believers 'O' you the Believers, fulfill your promises.' In Surat Maryam Allah also praised Prophet Ismail may peace be upon him 'He was true to his promise. He was a Messenger and a Pro ... readmore
Alhamdulillaah, we all understand the importance of oral hygiene. Science in the twentieth century has shown us the link between poor oral hygiene and certain diseases such as stroke, heart disease, pre-term babies, as well as general ill-health of a person.
However, while shuffling betw ... readmore
SUNNAT of cutting nails
Pairing ones nails is a sunnah of Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam. The nails should be paired whenever the need arises. [i]῾Allāmah Tahtāwi rahmatullah alayh (d.1231H) mentions that nails should be paired once a weak and preferably on a Friday. If one delays from pairing once ... readmore
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